Design A Successful Life

StuckFrustratedBurned-out…this is where most people find themselves today just letting life happen. It results in decreased morale, poor performance, and apathy for career and life.

I’ve been there – it ate at my gut. I knew I wanted to be more successful in my career and life, and my family certainly deserved it. I spent years looking for answers and surprisingly found it in the life I grew up in. I took age-old, proven processes and designed a framework that let me design the life that is right for me and my family.


I have facilitated leadership, team-building, and life & career growth programs, conducted workshops, delivered presentations, and moderated conference breakout sessions.

My goal is to engage your audience and have them leave with practical steps they can put to use immediately afterward that help them grow as a leader, manage their job and team more effectively, identify what motivates their staff, and design a life or career that leads them to a happier and successful life.

I know that you – the event planner – have a lot on your plate.  And because of that, it is my goal to make your life just a bit easier with one less thing to worry about.


The E’s of Employee Retention

Create a Workplace That Attracts and Keeps Employees

You’re paying higher wages, you’ve added new benefits, adjusted schedules, and still you’re losing staff and have trouble attracting them. Your current staff is feeling frustrated and burned out. It’s time to create a work environment where employees are dedicated to staying and where job seekers get in line, begging to be hired. Impossible? Not if you use the 3 E’s of Employee Retention: Encourage – Engage – Enable.

In this keynote you’ll learn how the simplicity of having the right goals, the right plans for the right life and right career will motivate your staff and turn them into loyal employees and save money at the same time.

Raise Your FLAG

How to Survive and Succeed During Uncertain Times

I’ve spent over 30 years in long term health care where facility leadership faces many challenges that can be overwhelming to the point of frustration, stagnation and numbness. Instead of struggling through the day, you need to:

  • Focus on more than yourself
  • Lead the people around you
  • Acknowledge your challenges
  • Grow yourself and others

Raise The FLAG, based on the story of the Star Spangled Banner, is a highly motivating, encouraging, and challenging keynote that empowers your audience to look at their own situation in a new light and learn practical steps to be more effective as a leader, at work, and in their personal lives.

Set Your GPS:

How to Create Your Own Roadmap to Success

You have GPS on your phone to find the way to your destination.

But what about your life or career? Do you have your GPS set to get you to the destination you want, or are you just letting life take you wherever it leads?

In this keynote you will learn how to set your own personal GPS – Goal Planning System.

Without a path or roadmap to where you want to be, you’ll end up just letting life happen instead of having the right plan for getting to the destination that is right for your life.


Plant the Seed of Success

How to Create a Successful Life

The entire world history has been based on growing things to sustain life.  From the Garden of Eden to your backyard garden, life is sustained by the bounty of the soil.

Since we have become a more urban society, these lessons about life and success are not as easily learned today.  We need to look back and learn from our roots and the labor of the soil for the rich and mature lessons life has to teach us.

This seminar, based on Mark’s award-winning book “The Success Grower: 8 Down-to-Earth Elements for Achieving Your Goals, will guide you to develop your plan for personal success and plant the seeds of growth and change in order to reach your dreams and goals.  You only need to water and cultivate them and in due time you will be able to reap a harvest that will amaze even you!

Stop letting life just happen and design the life that is right for you.