For years I struggled with figuring out what success was for me. I didn’t think I knew enough, had the skills, and didn’t think it was meant for me. I spent all those years wishing and wanting more success in my life and family but I settled for what I could do and could learn. I then realized it was only my thinking that kept me from success. I started working on myself by reading books on personal development, leadership and success principles. I’ve taught leadership programs and worked with individuals on leadership and success principles and helped people with their own personal growth journey.
I eventually realized there were principles I learned growing up on the farm that applied to my own personal growth. The principles and processes that are used on every farm were the same principles and processes I could use to grow my own success. Through my keynotes, workshops, and my book, The Success Grower: 8 Down To Earth Elements For Achieving Your Goals, I help groups and individuals develop the right goals, with the right plans, that leads to the right career or business to give them the life that is right for them so they can move beyond frustration and achieve the success they want for themselves and their family.