Self-Isolating or Self-Improving?
What are you doing today?
Are you self isolating? Or are you self improving?
Now, hopefully all of the above.
In this day and time of self isolation that’s to keep you healthy and safe from this virus.
But you should use it as a time to start improving yourself. Whether it’s improving your mindset, you’ve got a skill you want to learn, you want to read more books, work on improving who you are – then self isolating can be good.
It can also be bad for you, personally for your own personal growth.
If your self isolation is causing you to withdraw inside yourself, then you are not growing, you are actually hurting yourself.
People have a lot of free time right now. And the best response to this self isolation is staying apart, staying away from others for health reasons, and is a perfect time to start working on who you are.
Start working on yourself, start working on skills that you want, start working on your growth abilities, your leadership abilities, whatever it is that you want to work on that you’ve always said, “Yeah, when I get some time, I’ll work on that. I’ll read that book or I’ll study that course”, whatever it might be.
Well, you probably got time now so take the time to improve yourself.
During your self isolation, it’s just kind of all convoluted. And the worst thing you can do is live in fear and withdraw inside yourself which leads to anxiety.
This too will pass and we will get through this. How will you be on the other side?
Are you reacting to what’s going on? Are you listening all the news and fear that’s out there?It just seems to get worse and pile on every day. It can lead to a depressed state. You’ll end up with high blood pressure and anxiety going through the roof.
Is that your reaction to all of this?
I’m not saying don’t be concerned, I’m not saying don’t be cautious. But are you reacting in a way that’s causing you more harm than good?
Or are you responding to what’s going on?
By responding, I mean, are you looking for opportunities to do something new, to learn something new, to help other people? Because a lot of people need help right now.
Are you responding to the opportunities that are now being presented to you for new business, for your own personal growth, for starting a garden? It’s springtime, you know, get out there and dig in the dirt, it feels good. plant a seed, grow something. You’ll feel productive when you do that.
How are you being productive in your life? Are you responding to this, instead of just reacting in your life to what’s going on? Are you letting life circumstances determine your path for the future? You need to determine your path for the future.
It’s up to you to decide what you want in life and where you’re headed. Don’t let the circumstances of life tell you what you’re going to have. That’s giving in. That’s a small mindset, almost a slave mindset.
You need to have a servant mindset. How can you serve others? How can you serve your family? How can you serve your friends in this time of caution?
Find a way to respond in a positive way so that you’re growing, so that you’re improving in your life and not reacting.
So today, are you self isolating – withdrawing, going inside yourself and feeling sorry for yourself? Are you depressed or are you taking the time to improve yourself? Maybe you want to learn a new skill, read more, learn more. Get an online degree. Everybody’s teaching online today.
So take care yourself and start improving. Start working on yourself. start learning something new.
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